The Pocket Sky Atlas holds ten original monotypes depicting skies of different weather and conditions presented alongside texts from a variety of sources, including Luke Howard, Thomas Cole, H.D. Thoreau, Maria Mitchell, and Willa Cather. The stepped foredge exposes all the pages, allowing glimpses of the variation of skies. The text was letterpress printed in Bell from polymer plates at May Day Studio, and the monotypes printed at Two Rivers Printmaking Studio, both in Vermont. A volvelle of the ten skies is included in the back pocket of this hardcover pamphlet-bound book which is housed in a softcover slipcase. Variable edition of 14 plus two artist proofs. The Pocket Sky Atlas was supported by a 2022 Book Artist-in-Residence award from Maine Media Workshops + College, and completion of the book took place in Maine in Spring 2023. $850
All content copyright Stephanie Wolff.